At Effective Digital Marketing, we are red hot with our reporting – and for good reason. Reporting is crucial to digital marketing as it allows us to:
- see how our efforts are progressing
- find out how effective our efforts are
- communicate the value of our services to clients
We use the following tools to showcase our reporting:
Let’s explore these platforms in a little more detail:
Swydo is analytics reporting software that collates data from the following sources:
- Google Analytics
- Google Search Console
- Google Sheets
- Google Ads
- Facebook Ads
and displays it beautifully in a dynamic HTML report. We were recently featured as a case study on where we outlined in detail how and why we use Swydo to add value to both our clients businesses’ and our own.
Google Data Studio
Similar to Swydo, this is a Google based platform that allows us to display our reports in anyway we choose.
Hosted in the cloud and accessible via URL, Google Data Studio allows us to build more complex reports that showcase (among other things):
- Keyword rankings
- Keyword cannibalisation
- Google My Business performance
- Local SEO performance
Swydo & Google Data Studio – A Match Made In Heaven!
Google Data Studio allows us to do a deeper dive on some of the more complex topics of SEO (keyword cannibilisation, Google My Business insights and more). It’s tabbed feature allows us to have different analysis on different tabs – which is very helpful indeed.
In contrast, we find Swydo to be great to:
- showcase key performance metrics to clients
- benchmark our progress against where we had hoped to be
We offer free consultations where we will take the time to understand your marketing challenges and offer advice on where we feel the road blocks are. Contact us today to find out more.